Yes, you. The one I will love and who will love me.
I'm writing to you now in hopes it might help to manifest your being. Your being in and a part of my life. (I hope you already exist or maybe we have already met).
I want you to come to love me and all my wonderful glorious flaws. First you should know I'm a work in progress and I'm beautiful. I respect and acknowledge that you will be too. To that end I want you to be imperfect and willing to admit your mistakes.
I want to argue with you over stupid little things and find a compromise and be able to discuss in detail the deeper important things too.
I want you to know that the way to my heart is to let me share my life with you. I may want to discuss crazy little things everyday - this is me showing interest/love in you. When I stop sharing, really sharing, then you should be worried. Because I show interest/love by talking/sharing - if you don't talk to me - I'll be worried you don't like me or I've done something to upset you.
Communication is important to me - so I want you to feel comfortable talking to me about any and everything, especially when you are upset with me. I want to know. I want you to tell me what's wrong and I promise to listen if you promise to share your truth.
I want you to be comfortable holding hands (with me) in public. I love to show the world who I care about.
I want to spoil you in all the ways you want to be spoiled. And I want you to want to spoil me too.
I want to have inside jokes and shared glances.
I want us to be comfortable being together in silence or just watching tv together.
I want you to notice me checking you out. And for you to check me out too.
If I'm sharing my feelings with you, even (or most important) the bad ones, it means I really trust you.
I hope my friends love you as much as I will. I want to meet your friends too.
When you are feeling down - I want to be there for you and to do something to make you feel better.
I want to support you and your interests, projects, goals. I wish for you to support mine too.
I want to dance with you and cook with you and clean with you.
I want to know where you are tickleous.
I want to know all the places I can kiss you and drive you crazy.
I'm sure there are many more things to list - but I also want to know what you want from your future love. And I want to be those things as best as I can for you.
I know you will come when you're supposed to and perhaps when I'm least expecting it. But whenever that time is I'll be ready and willing to work on having the best relationship with you.
Sincerely and with hope,
Your future love
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