A majority of the population is right-handed. I join in this majority but in an effort to think differently; I like to experiment doing things left-handed. I am fairly good at writing left-handed while taking notes during class although it takes much more time. So just now I was playing around with my computer settings and changed my mouse to "left-handed." I caught on quickly to navigating around windows and on the internet but I found it to still be odd. I didn't understand why I thought it was so weird (besides that I have always used my right hand.)
Suddenly I figured it out, the way the mouse pointer is tilted, with the pointer end on the left top corner, works with being right handed. It is angled this way because when you write right-handed you pen/pencil is tilted that way. I thought it was odd that it didn't change tilt with the change of which hand you make the mouse. All it does is change the buttons on the mouse. I searched through all the possible settings for the mouse on my computer and besides the "right-handed tilted pointer" there was an actual right hand pointer option. I found that all the options were "right-handed." I am surprised that with all this new technology having the mouse tilt the other direction like when you write left-handed is not an option.
I would guess that most left-handed people have just become accustomed to the "natural" right handed mousing "option" especially when using a computer in a public setting. So changing their own personal computer would only make using other computers more complicated, unless they are going to change the settings every time they use a computer.
What does everyone think?
Hi, I have my mouse set for a left hander (so a 'right click' is a 'left click'). I don't tend to use public computers that much but I'm used to adapting when I do. That's what being left handed is all about - adapting to living in a world designed for right handers. :)
Hey....good points you make about the computer mouse! Something else I noticed - the little hand the mouse sometimes makes when you roll over a link is also a right hand. Crazy! Funny how even right handedness puts a little more privilege in your knapsack. See you in class tomorrow!
Wow, I've never thought about that before! How oppressed are left-hand people?! I guess being right-handed can be looked at as an unearned privilege lol...
Thanks everyone for your comments!
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