I am a design student (I know this) but I have only more recently begun to realize what that really means. Because I see the world completely different than everyone else. I know technically everyone does see the world differently but I just have not really made the connection between being a designer and my world outlook.
But it is not just designers as recently, on a trip with two other design students, I said, “What a great view” and they said, “Yeah look at the row of greenhouses.” When what I saw was the hill/mountains beyond the immediate row of greenhouses. Is it my optimism and desire to see the world in a good light? Do I just notice the good things? Or do I acknowledge everything but remember to enjoy the good I see? Do I just take pleasure in the little wonders of life?
I wish everyone could see and appreciate their surroundings in the same way I do.
Wherever I go, I notice the space I am in and how it is designed, decorated and its layout. I notice the world surrounding me on all levels the sky, the flowers, the people and buildings, how the light connects one object to another through its shadow. Also, I pick up on the nuances of people and how they act and what they say. I can tell if they are “being real” or not, even if I just met them. My attention to detail means I can recall a situation almost exactly. Although I might not remember everything that was said, I could describe the situation and the space and who was doing what where. I remember faces and not names. I remember appearance and locations.
Some people walk through life and barely notice what they are passing. The world becomes so familiar that they stop looking and noticing its little pleasures, much like how driving the same way every day we stop noticing the journey and only notice if we have made it to our destination. Some are caught up in the world of politics, while others revolve around work, school or family. All topics dominate their thoughts and noticing the world becomes a distant thought.
How can people become so consumed with life that they forget to look around them and see the world for what it is? Do we only notice what we deem important? What is important? What do you notice? Do you only see the destination or are you aware of the path?
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