Thursday, April 17, 2008


So in my opinion Hillary won! I thought she had the best answers and overall was just better at answering. I thought Barack was on the defense most of the time and had trouble explaining things. Also I have thought for most of this entire primary that Hillary actually has a plan and Barack just talks of Change and Hope and doesn't necessarily say how he will accomplish that. Obviously both have made mistakes in things they have said and done in the past but what matters is the future and the lessons learned from the past. Also I like the plans Hillary has for the country with Health care, equal pay, environmental issues, getting rid of "no child left behind" (that has left behind more children than it has helped), and issues surrounding women.

Anyway, could you believe what Barack was wearing? I mean a suit with a white shirt and blue tie. What was he thinking? Doesn't he ever change up his appearance? Why is the suit the right thing to wear? What sort of symbolism does the suit portray? Why do we associate a suit with power? ohh that's right patriarchy = males in power and what do they wear... a suit and tie. Mind you it can't be anything outrageous very pain dark suit white shirt and red or blue tie. Women have more leeway in their dress that the suits can be different colors and they don't wear the tie however it is pretty straight forward that for them to get respect they must wear the same suit that symbolizes power to fit in with the men of the field they are in. This is not any different than a women in a predominately male field dressing and acting the part while they are in that setting. Women must be very confident and sure of themselves. However that woman's confidence does not transcend situations. Women must continuously change how they act in different situations.

Okay so really, I point this out as I thought it was only fair with all the comments always being made about what female politicians are wearing without focusing on what is really important, the issues. When do you ever see anything written about the male politicians? Were there big discussions on Bush's dress when he was being elected? Even now do people talk of what Barack or McCain wear. (Umm not that I have seen.) I find it ridiculous that women are reduced to female stereotypes and must conform to masculinity within the realm of power. Does Barack not "gush" when he speaks. Would the media ever think of using such a term for him .... Women are still expected to be sexy and attractive and yet professional and not draw attention. WTF? All these expectations and we haven't even moved past clothing. I thought politics was about laws and legislation and what exactly does some one's clothing have to do with that. However women should be able to be sexy and wear feminine things and still be seen as a powerful politician. But it should not the first thing the media mentions in an article. And really it should not be mentioned at all unless it goes all directions. If you want to talk about all candidates clothing feel free but don't single out the women because we conform to the stereotype of an appearance that represents power while trying not to deviate from our gendered box.

"As a culture, we still aren't comfortable noticing and acknowledging
femininity in the halls of power." Robin Givhan

"I've talked about Rice's appearance at Wiesbaden Army Airfield wearing a long black coat and knee-high black boots. The ensemble had a sexiness to it that we hadn't seen before in any of our leaders of that rank. I think we are still uncomfortable with women of authority who refuse to hide their sexuality behind a boxy suit and sensible heels." - Robin Givhan from the site

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